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Core Functions


Core functions for Eikonax forward solves and parametric derivatives.

This module contains atomic functions that make up the Eikonax solver routines. They (and their automatic derivatives computed with JAX) are further used to evaluate parametric derivatives.


Name Description

Data characterizing a computational mesh from a vertex-centered perspective.


Initial site info.


Name Description

Smooth double ReLU-type approximation that restricts a variable to the interval [0, 1].


Compute the edges of a triangle from vertex indices and coordinates.


Compute position parameter for update of a node within a specific triangle.


Compute position parameter for update of a node within a specific triangle.


Compute the optimal update parameter for the solution of the Eikonal equation.


Compute update for a given vertex, triangle, and update parameter.


Compute all possible update candidates from an adjacent triangle.


Compute all update candidates for a given vertex.


JAX-compatible computation of the gradient of the average function.

eikonax.corefunctions.grad_update_solution module-attribute

grad_update_solution = jax.grad(compute_fixed_update, argnums=0)

eikonax.corefunctions.grad_update_parameter module-attribute

grad_update_parameter = jax.grad(compute_fixed_update, argnums=1)

eikonax.corefunctions.grad_update_lambda module-attribute

grad_update_lambda = jax.grad(compute_fixed_update, argnums=2)

eikonax.corefunctions.jac_lambda_soft_solution module-attribute

jac_lambda_soft_solution = jax.jacobian(compute_optimal_update_parameters_soft, argnums=0)

eikonax.corefunctions.jac_lambda_hard_solution module-attribute

jac_lambda_hard_solution = jax.jacobian(compute_optimal_update_parameters_hard, argnums=0)

eikonax.corefunctions.jac_lambda_soft_parameter module-attribute

jac_lambda_soft_parameter = jax.jacobian(compute_optimal_update_parameters_soft, argnums=1)

eikonax.corefunctions.jac_lambda_hard_parameter module-attribute

jac_lambda_hard_parameter = jax.jacobian(compute_optimal_update_parameters_hard, argnums=1)

eikonax.corefunctions.MeshData dataclass

Data characterizing a computational mesh from a vertex-centered perspective.


Name Type Description
vertices jax.Array | npt.NDArray

The coordinates of the vertices in the mesh. The dimension of this array is (num_vertices, dim), where num_vertices is the number of vertices in the mesh and dim is the dimension of the space in which the mesh is embedded.

adjacency_data jax.Array | npt.NDArray

Adjacency data for each vertex. This is the list of adjacent triangles, together with the two vertices that span the respective triangle with the current vertex. The dimension of this array is (num_vertices, max_num_adjacent_simplices, 4), where max_num_adjacent_simplices is the maximum number of simplices that are adjacent to a vertex in the mesh. All entries have this maximum size, as JAX only operates on homogeneous data structures. If a vertex has fewer than max_num_adjacent_simplices adjacent simplices, the remaining entries are filled with -1.


__post_init__() -> None

Convert to jax arrays.

eikonax.corefunctions.InitialSites dataclass

Initial site info.

For a unique solution of the state-constrained Eikonal equation, the solution values need to be given a number of initial points (at least one). Multiple initial sites need to be compatible, in the sense that the arrival time from another source is not smaller than the initial value itself.


Name Type Description
inds jax.Array | npt.NDArray

The indices of the nodes where the initial sites are placed.

values jax.Array | npt.NDArray

The values of the initial sites.


__post_init__() -> None

Convert to jax arrays.


compute_softminmax(value: jtReal[jax.Array, ...], order: int) -> jtFloat[jax.Array, ...]

Smooth double ReLU-type approximation that restricts a variable to the interval \([0, 1]\).

Unstable AD

While the method itself is stable, its derivative computed with JAX is not for higher orders \(\kappa\)

Given an input value \(x\) and an order parameter \(\kappa > 0\), the method performs a differentiable transformation according to

\[ \begin{gather*} f_{\text{lb}}(x) = \frac{1}{\kappa}\log\Big[ 1 + \exp\big( \kappa x \big) \Big], \\ f_{\text{ub}}(x) = 1 - \frac{1}{\kappa}\log\Big[ 1 + \exp\big( -\kappa(x-1) \big) \Big], \\ \tilde{\phi}(x) = f_{\text{ub}}(f_{\text{lb}}(x)), \\ \phi_{\text{lb}} = 1 - \frac{\log\big(1+\exp(\kappa)\big)}{\kappa} < 0, \\ \phi(x) = \frac{\tilde{\phi}(x) - \phi_{\text{lb}}}{1-\phi_{\text{lb}}}. \end{gather*} \]

The method is numerically stable, obeys the value range, and does not introduce any new extrema.


Name Type Description Default
value jax.Array

variable to restrict to range [0,1]

order int

Approximation order of the smooth approximation



Type Description
jtFloat[jax.Array, ...]

jax.Array: Smoothed/restricted value


compute_edges(i: jtInt[jax.Array, ''], j: jtInt[jax.Array, ''], k: jtInt[jax.Array, ''], vertices: jtFloat[jax.Array, 'num_vertices dim']) -> tuple[jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim]]

Compute the edges of a triangle from vertex indices and coordinates.


Name Type Description Default
i jax.Array

First vertex index of a triangle

j jax.Array

Second vertex index of a triangle

k jax.Array

Third vertex index of a triangle

vertices jax.Array

jax.Array of all vertex coordinates



Type Description
tuple[jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim]]

tuple[jax.Array, jax.Array, jax.Array]: Triangle edge vectors


compute_optimal_update_parameters_soft(solution_values: jtFloat[jax.Array, 2], parameter_tensor: jtFloat[jax.Array, 'dim dim'], edges: tuple[jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim]], softminmax_order: int, softminmax_cutoff: Real) -> jtFloat[jax.Array, 4]

Compute position parameter for update of a node within a specific triangle.

For a given vertex \(i\) and adjacent triangle, we compute the update for the solution of the Eikonal as propagating from a point on the connecting edge of the opposite vertices \(j\) and \(k\). We thereby assume the solution value to vary linearly on that edge. The update parameter in \([0,1]\) indicates the optimal linear combination of the solution values at \(j\) and \(k\), in the sense that the solution value at \(i\) is minimized. As the underlying optimization problem is constrained, we compute the solutions of the unconstrained problem, as well as the boundary values. The former are constrained to the feasible region [0,1] by the soft minmax function implemented in compute_softminmax. We further clip values lying to far outside the feasible region, by masking them with value -1. This function is a wrapper, for the unconstrained solution values, it calls the implementation function _compute_optimal_update_parameters.


Name Type Description Default
solution_values jax.Array

Current solution values, as per the previous iteration

parameter_tensor jax.Array

Parameter tensor for the current triangle

edges tuple[jax.Array, jax.Array, jax.Array]

Edge vectors of the triangle under consideration

softminmax_order int

Order of the soft minmax function to be employed

softminmax_cutoff int

Cutoff value beyond parameter values are considered infeasible and masked with -1



Type Description
jtFloat[jax.Array, 4]

jax.Array: All possible candidates for the update parameter, according to the solution of the constrained optimization problem


compute_optimal_update_parameters_hard(solution_values: jtFloat[jax.Array, 2], parameter_tensor: jtFloat[jax.Array, 'dim dim'], edges: tuple[jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim]]) -> jtFloat[jax.Array, 4]

Compute position parameter for update of a node within a specific triangle.

For a given vertex \(i\) and adjacent triangle, we compute the update for the solution of the Eikonal as propagating from a point on the connecting edge of the opposite vertices \(j\) and \(k\). We thereby assume the solution value to vary linearly on that dge. The update parameter in \([0,1]\) indicates the optimal linear combination of the solution values at \(j\) and \(k\), in the sense that the solution value at \(i\) is minimized. As the underlying optimization problem is constrained, we compute the solutions of the unconstrained problem, as well as the boundary values. The former are constrained to the feasible region \([0,1]\) by a simple cutoff. This function is a wrapper, for the unconstrained solution values, it calls the implementation function _compute_optimal_update_parameters.


Name Type Description Default
solution_values jax.Array

Current solution values, as per the previous iteration

parameter_tensor jax.Array

Parameter tensor for the current triangle

edges tuple[jax.Array, jax.Array, jax.Array]

Edge vectors of the triangle under consideration



Type Description
jtFloat[jax.Array, 4]

jax.Array: All possible candidates for the update parameter, according to the solution of the constrained optimization problem


_compute_optimal_update_parameters(solution_values: jtFloat[jax.Array, 2], parameter_tensor: jtFloat[jax.Array, 'dim dim'], edges: tuple[jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim]]) -> tuple[jtFloat[jax.Array, ''], jtFloat[jax.Array, '']]

Compute the optimal update parameter for the solution of the Eikonal equation.

The function works for the update within a given triangle. The solutions of the unconstrained minimization problem are given as the roots of a quadratic polynomial. For the local metric tensor \(M_s\) for the given simplex, the set of known solution values \(\mathbf{U}_{jk}\), and the simplex edges \(\mathbf{E}_{ijk}\), we have that

\[ \lambda_{1/2}(\mathbf{M}_{s},\mathbf{U}_{jk},\mathbf{E}_{ijk}) = \frac{(\mathbf{e}_{jk},\mathbf{M}_{s}^{-1}\mathbf{e}_{ki}) \pm c(\mathbf{M}_{s},\mathbf{U}_{jk},\mathbf{E}_{ijk})}{(\mathbf{e}_{jk}, \mathbf{M}_{s}^{-1}\mathbf{e}_{jk})}, \]


\[ c(\mathbf{M}_{s},\mathbf{U}_{jk},\mathbf{E}_{ijk}) = (u_k - u_j) \sqrt{\frac{(\mathbf{e}_{jk},\mathbf{M}_{s}^{-1}\mathbf{e}_{jk}) (\mathbf{e}_{ki},\mathbf{M}_{s}^{-1}\mathbf{e}_{ki}) - (\mathbf{e}_{jk},\mathbf{M}_{s}^{-1}\mathbf{e}_{ki})^2} {(\mathbf{e}_{jk},\mathbf{M}_{s}^{-1}\mathbf{e}_{jk}) - (u_k - u_j)^2}}. \]

These roots may or may not lie inside the feasible region \([0,1]\).The function returns both solutions, which are then further processed in the calling wrapper.


compute_fixed_update(solution_values: jtFloat[jax.Array, 2], parameter_tensor: jtFloat[jax.Array, 'dim dim'], lambda_value: jtFloat[jax.Array, ''], edges: tuple[jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim], jtFloat[jax.Array, dim]]) -> jtFloat[jax.Array, '']

Compute update for a given vertex, triangle, and update parameter.

The update value is given by the solution at a point on the edge between the opposite vertices, plus the travel time from that point to the vertices under consideration. For a local metric tensor \(M_s\) for the given simplex, the set of known solution values \(\mathbf{U}_{jk}\), the simplex edges \(\mathbf{E}_{ijk}\), and an optimal update parameter \(\lambda\), it reads

\[ G_{\text{fix}}(\lambda,\mathbf{M}_s,\mathbf{U}_{jk}, \mathbf{E}_{ijk}) = u_j + \lambda (u_k-u_j) + \sqrt{\big((\mathbf{e}_{ji} - \lambda\mathbf{e}_{jk}), \mathbf{M}_{s}^{-1}(\mathbf{e}_{ji} - \lambda\mathbf{e}_{jk})\big)} \]


Name Type Description Default
solution_values jax.Array

Current solution values at opposite vertices j and k, as per the previous iteration

parameter_tensor jax.Array

Conductivity tensor for the current triangle

lambda_value jax.Array

Optimal update parameter

edges tuple[jax.Array, jax.Array, jax.Array]

Edge vectors of the triangle under consideration



Type Description
jtFloat[jax.Array, '']

jax.Array: Updated solution value for the vertex under consideration


compute_update_candidates_from_adjacent_simplex(old_solution_vector: jtFloat[jax.Array, num_vertices], tensor_field: jtFloat[jax.Array, 'num_simplices dim dim'], adjacency_data: jtInt[jax.Array, max_num_adjacent_simplices], vertices: jtFloat[jax.Array, 'num_vertices dim'], use_soft_update: bool, softminmax_order: int | None, softminmax_cutoff: Real | None) -> tuple[jtFloat[jax.Array, 4], jtFloat[jax.Array, 4]]

Compute all possible update candidates from an adjacent triangle.

Given a vertex and an adjacent triangle, this method computes all optimal update parameter candidates and the corresponding update values. To obey JAX's homogeneous array requirement, update values are also computed for infeasible parameter values, and have to be masked in the calling routine. This methods basically collects all results from the compute_optimal_update_parameters and compute_fixed_update functions.


Name Type Description Default
old_solution_vector jax.Array

Given solution vector, as per a previous iteration

tensor_field jax.Array

Array of all tensor fields

adjacency_data jax.Array

Index of one adjaccent triangle and corresponding vertices

vertices jax.Array

Array of all vertex coordinates

use_soft_update bool

Flag to indicate whether to use a soft update or a hard update

softminmax_order int | None

Order of the soft minmax function for the update parameter, see compute_softminmax. Only required for use_soft_update=True

softminmax_cutoff Real | None

Cutoff value for the soft minmax computation, see compute_optimal_update_parameters_soft. Only required for use_soft_update=True



Type Description
tuple[jtFloat[jax.Array, 4], jtFloat[jax.Array, 4]]

tuple[jax.Array, jax.Array]: Update values and parameter candidates from the given triangle


compute_vertex_update_candidates(old_solution_vector: jtFloat[jax.Array, num_vertices], tensor_field: jtFloat[jax.Array, 'num_simplices dim dim'], adjacency_data: jtInt[jax.Array, 'max_num_adjacent_simplices 4'], vertices: jtFloat[jax.Array, 'num_vertices dim'], use_soft_update: bool, softminmax_order: int, softminmax_cutoff: Real) -> jtFloat[jax.Array, 'max_num_adjacent_simplices 4']

Compute all update candidates for a given vertex.

This method combines all updates from adjacent triangles to a given vertex, as computed in the function compute_update_candidates_from_adjacent_simplex. Infeasible candidates are masked with jnp.inf.


Name Type Description Default
old_solution_vector jax.Array

Given solution vector, as per a previous iteration

tensor_field jax.Array

jax.Array of all tensor fields

adjacency_data jax.Array

Data of all adjacent triangles and corresponding vertices

vertices jax.Array

jax.Array of all vertex coordinates

use_soft_update bool

Flag to indicate whether to use a soft update or a hard update

softminmax_order int | None

Order of the soft minmax function for the update parameter, see compute_softminmax. Only required for use_soft_update=True

softminmax_cutoff Real | None

Cutoff value for the soft minmax computation, see compute_optimal_update_parameters_soft. Only required for use_soft_update=True



Type Description
jtFloat[jax.Array, 'max_num_adjacent_simplices 4']

jax.Array: All possible update values for the given vertex, infeasible vertices are masked with jnp.inf


grad_average(args: jtFloat[jax.Array, num_args], min_arg: jtFloat[jax.Array, '']) -> jtFloat[jax.Array, num_args]

JAX-compatible computation of the gradient of the average function.

This function is applied to actual minimum values, meaning it does not have a purpose on the evaluation level. It renders the minimum computation differentiable, however. Specifically, consider the scenario where a vertex can be updated identically from two different directions. Clearly, the mapping from the parameter field to the solution vector is not continuously differentiable at this point. Instead, we can only formulate a possible set of sub-gradients. One strategy to cope with sub-gradients is to employ simple averaging over all possible candidates.