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Input Data

In this tutorial, we go through a simple workflow for generating an ensembles of trajectories with PySDE. As an example, we consider a one-dimensional autonomous diffusion process with drift \(b(x)=-2x^3 + 3\) and diffusion \(\sigma(x)=\sqrt{x^2+2}\). We can simply define these quantities as python/numpy functions:

import numpy as np

def drift(x, t):
    return -2 * np.power(x, 3) + 3 * x

def diffusion(x, t):
    return np.sqrt(np.power(x, 2) + 2)

Note that both functions take a position and time argument, although the latter is not used. This is to conform to the interface of the integrator. Furthermore, PySDE requires proper function definitions with the def keyword, lambda functions are not allowed.

In addition to the properties of the SDE, we need to define settings for the integrator itself. As an initial condition for the trajectory ensemble, we draw 100000 samples from \(\mathcal{N}(0,\frac{1}{2})\). We integrate the 100000 trajectories for 100 time steps, with a step size \(\Delta t = 0.01\) and starting at \(t_0=0\),

rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)
x0 = rng.normal(loc=0, scale=0.5, size=(1, 100000)).astype(np.float32)
t0 = 0.0
dt = 0.01
num_steps = 101
This is everything we need to perform integration with PySDE.


PySDE is floating-point conforming, meaning that the data type of the input array is preserved. This can be useful to further reduce the memory load during computations.


For conventional usage, PySDE integrators are built up in a highly modular fashion. To begin with, we create an intelligent storage object, in this case a NumpyStorage,

storage = storages.NumpyStorage(stride=10)
The storage takes a stride for sample storage, and optionally a path for storage on disk. Moving on, we initialize a standard BrownianIncrement for the diffusion term,
brownian_increment = increments.BrownianIncrement(seed=1)
Next, we build an integration scheme with drift, diffusion, and Brownian increment. We employ the ExplicitEulerMaruyamaScheme,
scheme = schemes.ExplicitEulerMaruyamaScheme(drift, diffusion, brownian_increment)
Finally, we initialize an SDEIntegrator object with the scheme and the storage,
sde_integrator = integrator.SDEIntegrator(scheme, storage)

Integration is invoked with the integrators run method,

storage =
    initial_state=x0, initial_time=t0, step_size=dt, num_steps=num_steps, progress_bar=True
A run returns the filled storage object, which can be used for further data processing. The values property returns a numpy-like handle to a time and a data array. Time is one-dimensional, whereas the data has dimension \(\texttt{physical_dimension} \times \texttt{number_trajectories} \times \texttt{number_timesteps}\).

We can visualize the results for the initial and final states of the ensemble in a histogram:

times, data = storage.values
_, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5), layout="constrained")
ax.hist(data[0, :, 0], bins=30, density=True, alpha=0.75, label=rf"$t={times[0]:.1f}$")
ax.hist(data[0, :, -1], bins=30, density=True, alpha=0.75, label=rf"$t={times[-1]:.1f}$")
ax.set_xlim((-3, 3))
ax.set_ylim((0, 0.8))
ax.set_yticks((0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8))


Parallel Runner

The above code can simply be run in an MPI environment using, for instance mpi4py. PySDE provides a convenience wrapper to automatically perform integration on distributed memory architectures. The ParallelRunner facade encapsulates all necessary MPI routines (along with the storage objects that are safe for parallel execution). The parallel runner takes in drift and diffusion functions, as well as integration schemes, increment, and storage types. In addition, all constructor arguments for these components need to be provided. The parallel runner will automatically match the arguments with the respective components and initialize them internally via the IntegratorBuilder class. Before, the runner modifies the seeds and save directory arguments depending on the Id of the invoking process. This ensures that each process samples different random trajectories.

The only new input argument compared to the serial integration is the avoid_race_condition flag. If this flag is set, only process 0 will attempt to generate a file hierarchy for data storage. This avoids race conditions when all processes write to the same parent directory, as done with the ParallelRunner.


When using the ParallelRunner wrapper, all arguments for the different components of the integrator need to be supplied explicitly, even the optional ones. Moreover, the arguments need to be provided as key-value pairs, with the key exactly matching the argument name for the component they are used for.

sde_runner = runner.ParallelRunner(

The runner is invoked analogously to the serial integrator:

storage =, t0, dt, num_steps, progress_bar=True)
Importantly, before conducting the integration, the parallel runner chunks the input trajectory ensemble and equally distributes it among the active workers. Each worker integrates a sub-ensemble and writes into its own storage file, corresponding to the process Id.

Assuming that the above code is located in a file, we can start a parallel run (assuming that MPI is available) with:

mpirun -n <NUM_RPOCS> --map-by slot:PE=<NUM_THREADS_PER_PROC> python -m mpi4py
Two things are important here. Firstly, the special directive python -m mpi4py ensures that MPI_INIT and MPI_FINALZE are automatically executed at the appropriate locations in the Python script. Secondly, we do not only specify the number of processes <NUM_PROCS>, but also assign a fixed number of threads <NUM_THREADS_PER_PROC>to each process. This is necessary for Numba to actually utilize the available system threads in parallel for loops.


Process 0 reserves two extra threads for system management, so the actually available number of threads per process is \((\texttt{number_overall_threads} - 2) / \texttt{number_processes}\).