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Overview of the Surrogate Package

The surrogate package comprises two main components, SurrogateControl in the surrogate_control module, and a hierarchy of actual surrogate models in surrogate_model. In the latter module, BaseSurrogateModel provides a generic interface compatible with the control. The SKLearnGPSurrogateModel class is the implementation of that interface based on scikit-learn. Other implementations are possible analogously. The SurrogateControl takes a BaseSurrogateModel derivative along with another callable to generate "true" outputs. We will refer to this as simulation_model. As an UM-Bridge server, the surrogate control can receive requests for evaluation for some input parameter set. These calls are dispatched to the prediction of the surrogate or the simulation model, depending on the variance criterion mentioned under getting started. The control further has a daemon process running in the background. Whenever new training data becomes available through simulation model runs, that background process scrapes the data and retrains the surrogate.

The centralized entry point for surrogate runs is the file in each application directory, which we will discuss further in a later section. All mentioned components have extensive in-code documentation, which we refer the reader to for more detailed information on their usage and implementation.


To showcase the details of the procedure outlined above, we discuss the workflow for executing example_01 in the example directory. In this example, the target density we want to emulate is given as a univariate Gaussian distribution, \(p = \mathcal{N}(0, \frac{1}{2})\). To begin with, we set up an UM-Bridge server mimicking a simulation model. We will fetch output data from this model. Run in a first terminal session:


Next, we pretrain the model, meaning we generate a fixed number of input-output pairs a-priori and train the surrogate with them. Parameter points are chosen with a Latin hypercube sampling algorithm. This functionality is provided by the OfflineTrainer class in the offline_training module. To execute pretraining, we simply run

python -app example_01

Pretraining will generate a log file and a Checkpoint object, in this case surrogate_checkpoint_pretraining.pkl. We visualize the resulting GP prediction mean and 95% confidence intervals, along with the generated data points. At these data points, the GP estimate is sharp, whereas we can observe higher variance further away from the data.


With a pretrained surrogate, whose meta and training data is stored in a checkpoint, we set up an actual surrogate control server via

python -app example_01
The run script reads in the SimulationModelSettings and SKLearnGPSettings for the simulation and surrogate model, respectively. In addition, we need to provide a configuration for the control itself via ControlSettings. The control is further equipped with a logger, which is configured by a second LoggerSettings instance.

Next, we probe the running surrogate control server with a TestClient, configured in TestClientSettings. The client simply calls the server with a number of input parameters,

python -app example_01

Whenever the control server needs to call the simulation model and retrain the surrogate during this online phase, it exports a new checkpoint. These checkpoints can be utilized to set up the surrogate and control for subsequent runs, so that no information gets lost. Looking at the visualization of the last checkpoint, we can see that some additional data points have been fetched by the surrogate. Variance in the estimate is pretty much non-existent by now.


After the pretraining and test client runs, we can assess all surrogate checkpoints through visualization:

python -app example_01

Basically, the visualization code trains a surrogate for every of the exported checkpoints it can find in the results directory. Subsequently, it visualizes the mean output and associated 95% confidence intervals of the respective surrogates, depending on the dimension of the parameter space.


The settings file is the unified entry point for the configuration of the simulation model, the surrogate and the control. It implements data classes that serve as input settings for the respective components. In the following, we give a detailed overview of these settings.

SimulationModelSettings Set up UMBridge Model server
url Address of the simulation model UM-Bridge server
name Name of the simulation model UM-Bridge server
SKLearnGPSettings Provides the configuration of the surrogate model to pretrain (see scikit-learn docs for more details)
scaling_kernel Is the prefactor for the GP kernel function
correlation_kernel Is the correlation function for the GP kernel function
data_noise Assumed noise on output data, should be larger than zero for numerical stability
num_optimizer_restarts Maximum number of restarts for optimization (with l-bfgs-b)
minimum_num_training_points Number of training points below which surrogate is not retrained yet
normalize_output Whether to normalize the regressor prediction within scikit-learn
perform_log_transform Whether the output of the surrogate should be log-transformed
variance_is_relative Whether the variance in the surrogate prediction should be normalized, either by a provided reference or by the range of the training data.
variance_reference Reference for normalization of the variance, if wanted
value_range_underflow_threshold Minimal value for value range, employed for numerical stability in normalization
log_mean_underflow_value Value below which the log-transformed output is cut off, for numerical stability
mean_underflow_value Value below which the not log-transformed output is cut off, for numerical stability
init_seed Seed for initialization of the optimizer
checkpoint_load_file Checkpoint file to initialize surrogate from (not used for pretraining)
checkpoint_save_path File stub to save newly generated checkpoints to
OfflineTrainingSettings Configure offline training
num_offline_training_points Number of parameter samples for pretraining
num_threads Number of threads for asynchronous model evaluation
offline_model_config Configuration argument for UM-Bridge calls to the simulation model server
lhs_bounds Dimension-wise bounds for latin hypercube sampling
lhs_seed Seed for initialization of the latin hypercube sampling algorithm
checkpoint_save_name id for the checkpoint to save, will be appended to the checkpoint_save_path in the surrogate model configuration
LoggerSettings Configure logger
do_printing Determines whether to log info to the terminal
logfile_path File to log info to, if provided
write_mode Write mode for the log file
ControlSettings Configure the surrogate control
port URL under which the control will be served as an UM-Bridge server
name Name under which the control will be served as an UM-Bridge server
minimum_num_training_points Number of available training samples below which the surrogate is not used for prediction yet
update_interval_rule Callable determining after how many training samples the surrogate is re-trained next, given the number of samples after the last fitting procedure
variance_threshold Value of the variance in the surrogate prediction (absolute or relative), below which the surrogate is used as predictor (and not the simulation model)
overwrite_checkpoint Whether to overwrite checkpoints during the server run. If not, checkpoints are equipped with an integer id
TestClientSettings Configure a test client
control_url Address of the control UM-Bridge server
control_name Name of the control UM-Bridge server
simulation_config Configuration argument for UM_Bridge calls to the simulation model
training_params Input parameter samples to probe the control server with
VisualizationSettings Configure visualization
offline_checkpoint_file Path to pickled offline training checkpoint
online_checkpoint_filestub Path to pickled online checkpoints, ids will be appended automatically
visualization_file Where to save resulting figures
visualization_bounds Bounds of the hyper rectangle over which to visualize surrogate output, has to match parameter space dimension